Reducing abandonments in our customer flow
The business problem:
We’re sending users to our origination flow, but they’re leaving without doing anything.
After the brand launch settled, I delved into the initial part of the origination flow. Tracking weekly data, it became evident that while we were attracting users to initiate the process, they were abandoning it midway.
One hypothesis emerged: the upfront request for PII might deter users. Although there’s a logical business rationale behind this approach, from a user’s perspective, it’s akin to immediately soliciting an email address.

Knowing the hesitation users may have providing their vehicle license plate number upfront, the goal was to ensure that the user was aware that there are multiple ways to get past “Step 1”.
The tactic was to rewrite the copy to ensure it was clear to users that there were multiple ways to find out how much you were eligible for.
I also adjusted the design to be better optimized for mobile, and ensure that the user saw the other ways to find their vehicle.


After hoping for a 5-10% decrease in abandonment rate, we were pleasantly surprised to see that we reduced this rate to almost 20% (18.6% to be exact).
This reduction in abandonment rate, and more users moving through, resulted in an increase in the first conversion point of 12.8%.